Let’s face it, a lot has changed within recent months, and these changes were not on our radar screen when we originally designed our goals for 2020. So with this in mind, might it be appropriate right now to revisit the goals that you set for yourself this year, to determine whether or not they need revision?
With the business closures that have occurred, the reduced income, and people getting laid off from work, so many people have been impacted by all of this. In addition, people who own properties are dealing with tenants who can’t pay their rent, and it’s looking like this will continue on into our future.
Even when it comes to other investments, unless you’re invested in a company that has been experiencing a boost to its revenue and profitability because of COVID-19, the chances are that the company or companies you’re invested in have been facing their own financial challenges. So with this in mind, it may be time for you to do the following:
- Take a look at the goals that you set for yourself for 2020, and determine if they need to be revised.
- In addition to doing this, take a look at the game plan you designed for achieving these goals, and determine whether or not that game plan now needs to be revised, too.
In keeping this in mind, what is your income goal between now and the end of the year, taking into consideration everything that’s been going on, and including your predictions around how everything will be playing out economically for you between now and December 31st? In addition, what is your game plan for accomplishing this goal, including all of the activities that you must be doing on a daily, weekly, and monthly basis in order to achieve your goal?
With all that we’ve been experiencing, engaging in this process can help you to add more clarity, certainty, and direction to your life in moving forward, and let’s face it, we can definitely all use more of this during these challenging times.
With the continuation of the pandemic, the upcoming November election, the release of the vaccine, and what world leaders are now referring to as being “The Great Reset”…a major revision to capitalism that they’re saying will be rolled out to all of us during the first half of 2021, things are likely to continue on in getting very interesting.