With the pace of business moving so fast nowadays, and buyers and tenants becoming even more selective, making sure that your property stands out from the other properties you’re competing against is becoming vitally important. Whether you own commercial property right now, or you aspire to, here are some guidelines to help make sure your property sells or leases faster than the competition:
- Make Sure That Your Property Looks Great from the Outside
Make sure that your property looks great when prospects drive up to it and see it from the outside. People will almost always prefer to buy or lease a property that looks better from the outside, than to buy or lease one that looks less desirable. This applies equally as well to beautiful, pristine properties as it does to older, more rundown properties. With the latter kind of properties, even though people may become interested in these properties because they’re less expensive, they’ll still want to buy or lease a property when it looks better than the other ones.
- Make Sure That Your Property Shows Well on the Inside
Having the property look great on the outside is one important aspect, but having the property show great is the second part of the one-two punch. The property looking great on the outside entices more people to want to see it on the inside, but if the property doesn’t show well on the inside, then you’ll lose your prospect. When there’s a disconnect between the feeling the prospect felt when looking at the property from the outside, and the feeling they get when looking at it from the inside, they’ll just disappear. They’ll feel in some ways like they’ve experienced great window dressing on the outside that’s not validated on the inside, so you’ll want both the outside and the inside of the property to be congruent with each other.
- Utilize Great Photos or Virtual Tours When Marketing Your Property
In today’s Internet and technology-driven world, oftentimes a prospect’s first view of your property will be online. This is the experience that will have them determine whether or not they’ll even want to drive out to see your property. So while making sure that your property looks great from the outside and shows well from the inside, make sure that the photo and/or virtual tour of the property entice your prospects to want to drive out and see it. With this in mind, this is one more reason why you’ll want your property to look great on the outside and on the inside…because if your prospects don’t like the photos of the property, they’ll never even get in the car to go and see it.
If you’ve decided that you’re willing to take less money for your property, then you really don’t need to be concerned with all of this. But there are some owners out there who really believe that they should get premium prices for their property when it’s not looking so great, and this is extremely unrealistic. Whenever we see something ourselves that’s not in pristine condition, we want a price discount because of it, and your prospects will feel the exact same way towards your property.